Comic enthusiast and self proclaimed geek Sami DeMonster brings you The DeMonster, where you can read about all things nerd culture!

Here at The DeMonster, our goal is to provide a positive place to discover new comic books, discuss TV and Movies, and read articles on all things nerd culture. We are a passionate group of geeks talking about things we love!

Meet the Team.

  • Sami DeMonster (She/Her)


    Hi! I’m Sami!

    I pick up new hobbies like they are going out of style, from attempting to learn Latin to playing bass. I love discovering comics and helping people do the same. I like making art, taking photos, collecting comics, and sometimes cosplaying! And I love good stories from every type of media, especially those with strong female leads. My OTP is Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, which I felt you needed to know. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

    TikTok, Twitter, Instagram: @samidemonster

  • Kate Taylor (She/They)


    G’day from Down Under!

    I’m Kate, or as I’m also known, Black Kat Media. I met Sami when she was in Australia for ComicCon in 2018 and we have not stopped talking ever since!

    I have more hobbies than I can count but I focus mostly on painting and photography. I’ve just finished uni studies, majoring in journalism and psychology, which tells you that I find just about everything interesting. I’ve just finished the Heartstopper books and I just need book 5 to come out!

    TikTok, Instagram, Facebook: