Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold

Stephen Fry has brought a refreshed readability to the old Greek myths with “Mythos”. Released in 2018, this is an excellent read for anyone anxiously awaiting the new Percy Jackson Disney+ series (or maybe just looking for unusual baby names.) Fry’s retelling increases the accessibility of the classics to anyone, no matter how much you already know about Greek mythology (even nothing!).

If you’ve ever wondered about where the names of the planets came from or want to know more about Pandora’s Box, then this book is for you. Fry explains the difference between Cupid and Eros, tells the story of Narcissus and Echo, and details where the names of many flowers originated. 

‘Mythos’ is an intriguing and well-paced read, full of love and deception. It is timelessly relevant to humanity with Fry’s well-loved twist of witty humor. 

‘Mythos’ by Stephen Fry

If you love ‘Mythos’, Fry also has two more books in this series, ‘Heroes: The Myths of the Ancient Greek Heroes Retold’ and ‘Troy: Our Greatest Story Retold’. 

This is not a sponsored post but you can get this one from bookstores internationally.

Kate Taylor

G’day from Down Under!

I’m Kate, or as I’m also known, Black Kat Media. I met Sami when she was in Australia for ComicCon in 2018 and we have not stopped talking ever since!

I have more hobbies than I can count but I focus mostly on painting and photography. I’ve just finished uni studies, majoring in journalism and psychology, which tells you that I find just about everything interesting. I’ve just finished the Heartstopper books and I just need book 5 to come out!

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